Pulmonary Rehabilitation at Danbury Hospital
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What is the goal of Pulmonary Rehabilitation?
The ultimate goal of pulmonary rehabilitation is establishing an exercise program that can be built at home. Committing to exercise improves your ability to become resilient and can play a significant role in preventing further progression of your lung disease. Each exercise session is developed and supervised by a pulmonary rehab specialist who takes into consideration each patient’s personal goal for a improved quality of life. The pulmonary rehabilitation program does not use cardiac monitoring therefore, it is imperative that exercise testing is done and evaluated by a pulmonologist to ensure that you are a good candidate for our program. Once the Pulmonary Rehab Program receives your referral they will be in touch to schedule these necessary appointments:
- - Pulmonary function testing, if not done in the last 12 months
- - Exercise testing or echocardiogram, if not done in the previous 12 months
- - Evaluation with our medical director, Thomas Botta, MD, if not seen by a pulmonologist in the previous 30 days
- - Evaluation by pulmonary rehabilitation staff for baseline questionnaires and 6 minute walk evaluation
For more information about the program please reach out to Colleen at (203) 739-8319 or via email colleen.carmona@nuvancehealth.org