Liver, Pancreas and Gallbladder Disorders (Hepatobiliary Disease)

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Hepatobiliary disease is a group of conditions affecting the bile duct, pancreas and gallbladder. It includes cysts, blockages and abnormal growths that can affect your ability to absorb nutrients and eliminate waste.

Nuvance Health® delivers trusted care. Experienced specialists diagnose and treat these conditions using methods you might not expect to find close to home.

Nuvance Health hepatobiliary disease care: Why choose us?

Hepatobiliary disease affects organs deep within the digestive system. At Nuvance Health, you receive services from fellowship-trained gastroenterologists who often treat these conditions using nonsurgical techniques. We treat a high volume of patients and have experience with rare and complex disorders. Highlights of our program include:

  • Advanced procedures
    We diagnose and treat many hepatobiliary conditions using advanced endoscopy techniques that are not widely available. Endoscopy involves long thin tubes with tiny cameras and instruments at the tip. These procedures can lessen the need for surgery and provide additional care options when surgery is not possible. 
  • Coordinated care
    We work closely with the Nuvance Health Cancer Institute when necessary. These efforts include special biopsy procedures that help diagnose cancerous and pre-cancerous conditions. We also participate in tumor board meetings to help plan therapies and tailor treatments.
  • Convenience
    Liver disease doctors from Yale Medicine regularly see patients in some of our locations. This collaboration makes it easier to receive ongoing care from nationally recognized specialists without traveling great distances. 

Minimally invasive procedures for hepatobiliary disease

Doctors at Nuvance Health often use endoscopy instead of surgery to diagnose and treat conditions affecting the liver, bladder and pancreas. Our offerings include: 


  • Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP): We use this technique to evaluate issues affecting tiny tubes (ducts) in the liver and pancreas. You may need ERCP if you’re experiencing symptoms of narrow or blocked ducts.
  • Endoscopic ultrasound: An imaging device at the tip of the endoscope uses soundwaves to capture detailed images of the pancreas. We may recommend this test if standard imaging studies show signs of inflammation, cysts or tumors. 
  • Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy: Targeted shockwaves break up pancreatic stones, making them easier to remove or for the body to pass naturally. You may need this procedure if you have recurring pancreatitis, which can cause large stones.
  • Liver biopsy: We access the liver and take a tissue sample. Examining the sample under a microscope helps us confirm or rule out a diagnosis. During the procedure, we may also measure pleural pressure, which, if abnormally high, can be a sign of liver disease. 
  • Pancreatic pseudocyst treatment: We often treat cysts by draining them during an endoscopic ultrasound procedure. Cysts are a common complication of pancreatitis and other hepatobiliary conditions. 
  • SpyGlass® Cholangioscopy: We use this special scope during ERCP to examine the bile ducts. It provides additional details and helps us carry out a biopsy or lithotripsy when needed. 
  • Stenting: We place a hollow mesh device (stent) in ducts to treat narrowing and blockages in the liver and pancreas. Stents help these organs deliver bile and enzymes your hepatobiliary system needs to function. 
Elderly woman with designer dress and sunglasses

Hepatobiliary conditions we treat

Bile duct, pancreas and gallbladder conditions we treat include: 

  • Bile duct stones,
    hard deposits that block the bile ducts which connect the gallbladder and liver
  • Cancer and pre-cancerous growths, which can affect the bile ducts, pancreas and gallbladder
  • Chronic pancreatitis, ongoing (chronic) inflammation that causes sharp abdominal pain and may be due to acute or chronic disease
  • Gallbladder disease, including gallstones, inflammation, abnormal growths and congenital (present at birth) defects in adults
  • Liver diseases, including cirrhosis and hepatitis, some of which can be chronic and affect organ function
  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), fatty buildups in liver tissue that are not due to heavy drinking
  • Pancreatic cysts and pseudocysts, fluid buildups, some of which develop in a closed tissue-like pocket