
Where to get help during cancer treatment and survivorship

A woman with blond hair wearing a green long-sleeve shirt and backpack overlooking the mountains and making a heart shape with her hands.


Nurse navigators, social workers and oncology nutritionists are here to answer your cancer treatment and survivorship questions.


Whether you are newly diagnosed with cancer, undergoing treatment or in survivorship, you probably have questions. Many people with cancer have questions about treatment options and side effects, test results, diet, exercise, insurance coverage and support services.


Knowing where to get answers to your important questions can help you focus on what matters most — your health and well-being. Here are cancer caregivers who can help you every step of the way.


Learn more about cancer care at the Nuvance Health Cancer Institute.


Oncology nurse navigators for cancer patients


Oncology nurse navigators are members of your cancer care team. Contact your oncology nurse navigator when you need information, resources or support. They can answer your questions, coordinate your appointments and connect you with support services. They aim to reduce potential stress you may feel from finding answers, scheduling appointments and understanding test results.


At Nuvance Health, we have specially trained nurse navigators dedicated to specific types of cancer, including breast, gastrointestinal, gynecological and more. They can answer questions that are unique to your type of cancer. They can also expedite access to the services you may need — including surgical oncology, medical oncology, radiation oncology, oncology social workers, oncology dietitians and genetic counseling.



Oncology social workers for cancer patients


A cancer diagnosis and going through treatment is often a stressful experience for you and your family. At Nuvance Health, licensed clinical social workers specialize in oncology and provide counseling and other supportive services that can help reduce stress for you and your family through all phases of your cancer.


Oncology social work focuses on the psychological, social and emotional issues that people face during and after cancer treatment. Our clinicians can also offer assistance with decision-making, goals of care, advanced directives and communication needs.


At Nuvance Health, social workers are part of the care team. You can contact them directly if you are in active treatment and even post-active treatment.

Registered dietitians and oncology nutrition specialists for cancer patients


Nutrition is a vital piece of your treatment plan as it enables you to better tolerate treatment as well as heal and recover. Registered dietitians specializing in oncology nutrition can help you maintain your strength, hydration and weight throughout cancer treatment. They are specifically trained in the field of oncology to understand the challenges people may face regarding nutrition. Surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy all have unique side effects that can alter your ability to tolerate your diet or impact how you absorb food.


At Nuvance Health, oncology nutrition specialists are part of the care team. They work closely with all care team members including doctors, nurses and support staff. They can address issues with appetite, supplements, and types of foods and beverages to consume for specific side effects.


At Nuvance Health, you can contact your oncology dietitian directly or your nurse navigator can facilitate nutrition counseling for you. They are available for you during active treatment and during survivorship.



Urgent cancer care


Contact your nurse navigator if you need immediate attention to a question or concern. Urgent needs may include trouble filling a prescription. Your nurse navigator can expedite your concern, including contacting the appropriate doctor’s office or pharmacy.


Call your doctor’s office if you need help during the evening or on weekends. The office will have an on-call system in place. You can also contact your doctor using the patient portal. Learn more about the patient portal.


Emergency cancer care


Call 911 if you are having a medical emergency. Signs of an emergency include trouble breathing; persistent pain or pressure in the chest; new confusion or inability to wake up; or bluish lips or face.  

Your emergency care team will alert your cancer care team if the emergency is related to your cancer treatment. Nuvance Health uses a single electronic medical record so your care team can see your history and communicate with each other.


After cancer treatment support


While you can always contact your cancer care team during survivorship, you can also contact your primary care provider. At Nuvance Health, your cancer care team will closely coordinate with your primary care provider. You will continue follow-up visits with your primary care provider after active treatment ends.


Related content: Adjusting to life after cancer treatment


The bottom line: Your questions and needs when you are going through cancer and living past it are very important. Find a cancer care program that has dedicated nurse navigators, social workers and oncology nutritionists. 


At Nuvance Health, your nurse navigator is your point of contact for questions about treatments and appointments. They can also connect you with other cancer care services. Contact your social worker for emotional support and daily living services, including managing family, work and financial responsibilities. Contact your oncology nutritionist if you have questions about your diet and exercise. 


Most importantly, always ask your questions because you and your health matter.


Frequently Asked Questions


What specific support groups are available for different types of cancer and how can one join them?


Nuvance Health offers various support groups tailored to different cancers. To join, patients typically need to contact their oncology nurse navigator, who can provide detailed information and assist with enrollment. Find a cancer support group or event.


What are the qualifications and training of the oncology nurse navigators, social workers and dietitians at Nuvance Health?


Nuvance Health's oncology nurse navigators, social workers and dietitians are highly trained and hold relevant certifications and licenses. Oncology nurse navigators usually have extensive experience in cancer care and are often certified in oncology nursing. Social workers and dietitians also possess specialized training to support cancer patients and survivors.


How does Nuvance Health coordinate care for cancer patients with external healthcare providers or specialists, if needed?


For coordinating care with external healthcare providers or specialists, Nuvance Health employs a collaborative approach. The oncology nurse navigators and care team work closely with external providers, ensuring seamless communication and integrated care plans. This coordination helps to provide comprehensive care tailored to each patient’s needs.