Chemotherapy and Other Medical Oncology

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Chemotherapy and other forms of medical oncology use medications to slow cancer cell growth and prevent it from spreading. Nuvance Health® Cancer Institute delivers these services where you’re more comfortable, close to home.

You have access to newly approved drugs and innovative therapies that are available through clinical trials. Our attention to your needs before, during and after treatments helps you have an individualized experience.

Chemotherapy and medical oncology at Nuvance Health: Why choose us?

You receive care from medical oncologists who completed additional training through fellowships. The team also includes oncologists specializing in specific cancer types, including lung, breast and gastrointestinal. Doctors stay up to date on the latest treatments. Highlights of our program include:

  • Team approach:
    In addition to chemotherapy, your care may include surgery, radiation therapy and other treatments. Cancer doctors gather in meetings called tumor boards to discuss the options that are right for you. Throughout your treatment, we stay in regular contact so we can tailor therapies to your needs.
  • Clinical trials:
    Nuvance Health participates in clinical trial networks, including those sponsored by the National Cancer Institute. These efforts mean eligible patients may be among the first in the nation to receive new treatments. Explore cancer clinical trials and research.
  • Specialized care:
    We offer a broad range of medical oncology options, including targeted therapy for eligible patients. You receive sophisticated drugs or other substances that interact with specific types of cancer cells.
  • Comfortable care environment:
    You typically receive medical oncology treatments through a vein in your arm or chest at one of our infusion centers. You sit in a comfortable recliner near large windows in a spacious room with lots of natural light. Treatment areas give you privacy, along with space for loved ones to spend time with you.
Personalized care and support from oncology-certified nurses

Nurses with additional training in the needs of people undergoing cancer treatment (oncology certification) monitor and assist with your therapy:

You benefit from their careful attention to your needs:

  • Before treatment: Nurses take time to get to know you and explain care recommendations. If you have questions, we provide answers and other helpful information to prepare you for your first infusion session.
  • During treatment: Nurses keep a careful eye on you during infusions. If you do start feeling unwell, oncologists are often just a few steps away.
  • After treatment: If side effects make you sick, we are quick to coordinate services that help you get relief, including same-day office visits.

Types of chemotherapy and medical oncology we offer

In eligible patients, we perform genomic testing to check for specific types of changes (mutations) in the cancer cells. This information helps you receive the therapies that fight the mutation.

Our offerings include:

  • Chemotherapy is a group of drugs that destroy abnormal cells. These drugs treat a broad range of cancers, including breast cancer or esophageal cancer.
  • Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) applies a heated chemotherapy solution directly to the cancer. HIPEC is for eligible patients with cancer that has spread to areas such as the ovaries. Read more about ovarian cancer.
  • Immunotherapy is an advanced option that helps the immune system recognize and attack cancer cells. Immunotherapy is for eligible patients with difficult-to-treat cancer, including lung cancer, that does not respond to standard treatments.
  • Isolated limb infusion is a technique that delivers high doses of chemotherapy directly to cancers in the arms or legs. This option is for complex cancers, like melanoma and sarcoma in patients who qualify.
  • Bispecific t-cell engager (BiTE) therapy activates your immune system to recognize and attack blood cancer cells, while leaving other cells unharmed. Patients experience fewer side effects than other non-targeted therapies, such as chemotherapy, that can also damage healthy tissues.
  • Cold cap therapy cools your scalp reducing blood flow to the follicles and shielding them from the effects of chemotherapy.  

Targeted therapy, which is similar to chemotherapy, destroys cells. The difference is that it works on specific types of abnormal cells and causes fewer side effects. You might benefit from targeted therapy if you have leukemia, lymphoma or other blood cancers.