
5 ways to prevent skin cancer while enjoying the sunshine

A mature group of friends standing together during a day out on the beach. They are wearing hats and sunglasses to protect their skin from cancer.


Sunlight has many mental and physical health benefits. Get these benefits and reduce your risk of developing skin cancer by protecting yourself from the sun’s UV rays.


By Dr. James R. Nitzkorski, Surgical Oncology, Nuvance Health


Warmer weather means more fun in the sun, which is great because sunlight has many health benefits. Sunlight can boost your mood, strengthen your bones and promote the production of Vitamin D — an essential vitamin.


However, too much exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays causes most skin cancers — the most common type of cancer. UV rays also cause premature skin aging and sun-damaged skin. UV rays come from the sun, tanning beds and sunlamps. 


Outdoor activities can be all fun and games if you take steps to protect your skin. Here are five ways to keep your skin safe while enjoying the sunshine.


Learn more about melanoma and skin cancer care at the Nuvance Health Cancer Institute.

1: Wear sunscreen — and reapply it — to prevent skin cancer!


Whether it is sunny or cloudy, apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 about 30 minutes before going outside. Use a “broad-spectrum” sunscreen, which protects against UVA and UVB rays. Then, reapply it about every two hours, especially if you are sweating or swimming.


2: Cover up with sun-protective clothes and accessories to protect your skin.


Covering up can help protect against UV rays, particularly for babies, young children and seniors.

  • A hat will protect your head and face from the sun, and provide shade to help you stay cool.
  • Light-colored, lightweight cotton fabric shirts and pants can block the sun’s UV rays and help you stay cool.
  • Do not forget about your eyes and lips! Wear sunglasses with UV protection lenses that are UV400. Apply an SPF lip balm and reapply it throughout the day.

3: Consider the time of day to lower skin cancer risk.


The sun’s UV rays are strongest between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., so be especially careful outside during this time.


4: Check your skin for changes.


Get to know your skin so you can identify any changes. Like most cancers, early detection is key when it comes to treating and beating skin cancer. Nearly 99% of all skin cancers can be cured if they are diagnosed and treated early enough.


Learn the ABCDEs of your moles:

  • Asymmetry: Not uniform — one-half looks different from the other
  • Border irregularity: Uneven shape
  • Color: Different color or an irregular pattern
  • Diameter: Bigger in size, in particular, larger than 6mm
  • Evolving: Changing color, size, texture or starts to bleed


See your doctor if any of your moles show signs of the ABCDEs.


5: Get the straight facts on skin cancer prevention from trusted sources.

There is a lot of helpful information available online about skin protection. However, watch out for the following myths. You can also talk with your doctor if you have questions about skin protection.


Related content: Your guide to sunscreen and skin cancer prevention


Myth: Sunscreen is bad for you.

Fact: Studies show benefits from sunscreen use, including protecting the skin from the sun and reducing skin cancer risk.


Sunscreen is safe. However if you are concerned about wearing sunscreen, use “mechanical” sunblock such as zinc oxide, which is not absorbed into your body through your skin. You can also use a gel-based sunscreen rather than aerosol to prevent inhaling fumes.


Read the ingredients label on the sunscreen bottle to determine if you may have a reaction or sensitivities to an ingredient.


Myth: Base tans prevent burning.

Fact: A base tan is no substitute for good sun protection. Studies show just one session of indoor tanning increases risk of skin cancer by 75% in people under the age of 35.


The bottom line: Warmer weather means more fun in the sun. Get the health benefits of sunlight while keeping your skin safe by applying sunscreen, wearing protective accessories and clothing, and knowing when the sun’s UV rays are strongest during the day. Take control of your skin’s health by learning the ABCDEs of your moles and getting information about sun safety from trusted sources.


Dr. James Nitzkorski is a fellowship-trained surgical oncologist. He specializes in treating skin cancer such as melanoma as well as gastrointestinal cancers.


Frequently Asked Questions


What specific ingredients should I look for or avoid in sunscreens if I have sensitive skin or allergies?


For those with sensitive skin or allergies, it’s important to choose sunscreens that are labeled as “hypoallergenic” and “fragrance-free.” Generally, physical sunscreens, also called mineral-based sunscreens, made with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide are less likely to irritate your skin. Avoid sunscreens with oxybenzone and octinoxate, which are chemicals that can irritate your skin. Finally, avoid sunscreens with added fragrances to minimize skin reactions.


Are there any particular brands of sun-protective clothing that are recommended for better UV protection?


When it comes to sun-protective clothing, look for brands with high ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) ratings, ensuring effective ultraviolet (UV) protection. Also, select brands with rigorous UV safety testing protocols and clothing that maintain its UV protection regardless of how many times it is worn or washed.


What are the long-term effects of using aerosol sunscreens compared to lotion or gel-based sunscreens?


The long-term effects of using aerosol sunscreens versus lotion or gel-based sunscreens can vary and need more research. Generally, aerosols are convenient but can sometimes provide uneven coverage. Avoid inhaling spray sunscreen by not using it in the wind and apply it to your face by spraying it on your hands and rubbing it on your face.


Sunscreen lotions allow for more precise application and better skin absorption, often providing more reliable protection.


It is important to apply any sunscreen generously and reapply as directed to ensure optimal sun protection.