Healthy Lifestyle

How to stay healthy while on vacation

A young couple cycling on the promenade along the seaside.


By following a few simple tips, you can ensure your vacation is not only enjoyable but also beneficial for your overall health!


By Chanpreet Singh, MD, Family Medicine, Nuvance Health Medical Practice


Going on vacation is a time to relax, unwind and have fun. However, it’s important to prioritize your health and well-being even while you’re away from home.


Eating healthy and avoiding weight gain while on vacation


Vacation often brings the temptation to stray from your usual eating habits and indulge in fried foods and sweet treats. However, with a bit of planning, prep and awareness, you can maintain your diet and still enjoy treats while traveling!


Consider the following tips to keep your health on track while on vacation:


Plan snacks and meals ahead of time: Pack healthy snack options for your trip, such as apples with peanut butter, trail mix and granola bars. Consider making sandwiches or salads that can be easily packed and enjoyed on the go.


Look for healthy food options on menus: We’re all guilty of doing this, but there’s good reasoning for checking out the restaurant menu before you go. It’s helpful if someone in your dining party has a diet restriction or allergy, but also helpful to keep your health on track. When dining out, opt for healthy choices like fresh salads, grilled lean proteins and vegetable-based dishes. Consider visiting local farmers markets or grocery stores to stock up on fresh produce and healthy snacks.


Eat until you’re full: It’s OK to enjoy ice cream and funnel cake on vacation. Just be mindful of how much you’re eating. Sometimes our eyes are bigger than our stomachs and all we really need is a bite or two to satisfy our taste buds. Overeating can lead to bloating and uncomfortable indigestion, which nobody wants to feel, let alone while on vacation.



Staying fit while on vacation


Maintaining your health and wellness while on vacation is important. After all, it’s a time to reset your mind and body. Staying active and fit during your vacation not only benefits your physical health but makes you feel good inside and out.


Incorporating physical activities into your trip is a great way to stay active and fit while enjoying your time away:


Explore the outdoors on foot or bike: Take advantage of your beautiful surroundings and go for a hike, bike ride or walk. It’s a great way to clear your head and stretch your legs all at once.



Use the hotel fitness center: Many hotels offer fitness centers with a variety of equipment. You can start your day with a cardio session on the treadmill or lifting weights. Some hotels even offer yoga classes, or you can check out a class nearby to get the real, local experience.


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Go for a walk after dinner: Take in your surroundings by going for a walk after dinner. Walking can also aid in digestion, especially after eating a heavy meal. 


Managing stress and relaxation while on vacation


Vacation is a time to unwind, relax and rejuvenate. However, stress can sometimes accompany travel. By practicing relaxation techniques and mindfulness, finding peaceful activities and taking time for self-care, you’re one step closer to a relaxing vacation.


Here are ways to manage stress and relax while on vacation:


Practice mindfulness and breathing exercises: Deep breathing exercises, meditation and yoga can help calm your mind and body. Taking a few minutes each day to focus on your breath and let go of any tension can greatly reduce stress levels.



Take walks or try a yoga class: Consider spending time in nature, whether it’s going for a leisurely walk on the beach or hiking in the mountains.


Prioritize self-care with a massage: Take time to pamper yourself with a massage or spa treatment. Make sure to get enough sleep and rest, as a well-rested body and mind are better equipped to handle stress.


Getting a good night’s sleep on vacation


When you’re on vacation, it’s important to prioritize your sleep and ensure you get enough restful nights to make sure you have enough energy for the next day.


Here are tips to help you unwind and maintain a healthy sleep routine while traveling:


Establish a bedtime routine: Even though your schedule may be different during vacation, try to stick to a consistent bedtime routine. This can include activities like reading a book, crocheting or taking a warm bath.


Create a relaxing environment: Make your sleep environment as comfortable as possible. If you’re staying in a hotel, use earplugs or a white noise machine to block out any noise disruptions. Consider bringing your own pillow or sleep mask to create a familiar and soothing atmosphere.


Adapt to time zone changes: Traveling across different time zones can disrupt your sleep patterns. To minimize the effects of jet lag, gradually adjust your sleep schedule a few days before your trip. Once you arrive at your destination, try to adapt to the local time by staying up or going to bed depending on the time of day.


Protecting your skin and overall well-being while on vacation


Don’t neglect your skincare routine while you’re on vacation! If anything, this is a time where you should be taking extra good care of yourself.


Here are some essential tips to help you stay well:


Stay hydrated throughout the day: Keep your water bottle handy while you’re out and about! You’re likely walking longer distances and spending more time outdoors which can lead to dehydration if you’re not drinking enough water. Aim to drink half of your body weight in ounces each day.



Apply and reapply sunscreen to avoid sunburn: Sunburn isn’t only painful, but it also increases your risk of skin cancer. To protect your skin from harmful UV rays, apply a broad-spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen before heading outdoors. Reapply every two hours and after swimming or sweating. Don’t forget to cover all exposed areas, including your face, ears, neck and hands.



Use insect repellent to avoid bug bites: Insects can be pesky and potentially carry diseases. To protect yourself from bites, use insect repellents containing DEET, picaridin or lemon eucalyptus oil. Wear light-colored, long-sleeved clothing and pants when venturing into mosquito-prone areas. Additionally, try to avoid stagnant water and use bed nets to keep mosquitoes away while sleeping if you’re camping outdoors. If you or your loved one has an insect bite that doesn’t go away after a few days or leads to other symptoms, call your primary care provider.




The bottom line: By following these tips, you can go on vacation and keep yourself healthy at the same time! Taking care of yourself is an essential part of having a memorable trip. Just remember to make healthy food choices when possible, take in the scenery on foot as much as you can and most importantly— have fun! Unplug, live in the moment and enjoy your time away with your loved ones.